WikiLapedia Wiki

Welcome to WikiLapedia!


Good afternoon, this is your captain, Frank J. Lapidus. We will be lifting off shortly, so sit back relax and enjoy, my friends.

WikiLapedia is the encyclopedia corresponding to Lapidus7!, a strictly-for-writing blog on Wordpress. [1] This format allows anyone to edit! Together, we can create everything and anything that is related to the site.

Frank J. Lapidus (an alias) or "Lapidus7" is a writer who is currently working on one project called YOU: Interactive. Another series will begin soon called Last Man Standing. The series, LOST Again was cancelled after the pilot episode. To read more, click on links.

New posts

  • Monthly Update 1# - As the first monthly update, it is now explained that A) LOST Again is cancelled B) Y:I episodes will be longer C) LOST Again is cancelled D) Wikilapedia is now up!

Feature Article

About "Frank J. Lapidus"

Frank J. Lapidus, more commonly known as "Lapidus7" is a writing, running the site Lapidus7![2] Although he is said to be an adequate writer, it hasn't always been that way. Let's take a trip through the past of Lapidus7. [shshshsh! (flashback noise)]

It all began with LOST. When Lapidus was first introduced to LOST, he was immediately obsessed. It took him only a year, studying at Lostpedia [3] to learn every episode, every character. EVERYTHING.

After LOST ended, Lapidus earned his degree at Lostpedia U. Then, he continued on to make LOST fan-fiction spin-offs. It didn't take a while for him to realize that this was pointless and he couldn't write. But, he got better after reading, writing, submitting and reading, writing, submitting and... over and over again at Dan Hoger's Righter's Untie! [4].

He began to create The Muppet Show: Generation II [5] at RU, which will begin airing regularly in 2011. Then, he began what is now known as "LOST Again."

Now, you guys know the rest...

He was stressing out about other stuff--The Muppet Show, school, other projects, etc... So, he put this project on hold and began a simpler project: YOU: Interactive. After five episodes, he posted a preview of the second episode, which exited his readers. Further information about this is unknown.

Then, he created WikiLapedia and started writing about himself in the third person.

Read more on Frank J. Lapidus...

So sit back, relax and enjoy the flight!